My Homework Page

An overview of my past assignments in my Introduction to Web Programming class as well as information on graphics I've used and an analysis of my home page loading time and performance.

Homework Links

Graphics Used in Home Page

Summary of File Sizes for Graphics in Home Page
File Name File Description File Size in Kilobytes Total Size
email envelope.png Clip Art Envelope 58K 8,553K
house.png Clip Art House Logo 5K
writing1.jpg Pen on Paper 8,100K
writing2.jpg Person Writing at Table 202K
writing3.jpg Typewriter "Once Upon a Time" 188K

Home Load Time Analysis

My homepage, which was measured at a page size of 8.1 MB, took 799 ms to load completely, according to Pingdom in San Jose, CA. It was faster than 92% of other sites tested. Overall, it was given a performance grade of 88, or a B.


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